Mavuno Harvest was started by a Peace Corps volunteer - but what is the Peace Corps and why is this important?

The Peace Corps is a U.S.-government-run organization that sends American volunteers to developing countries to promote friendship and mutual understanding. Since its inception in 1961, the Peace Corps has sent over 240,000 volunteers to 141 countries around the world. Join us as we explore the history and activities of the Peace Corps and its impact on both volunteers and the communities they serve.

History of the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, following a campaign pledge to establish a program that would send young Americans abroad to promote peace and understanding. The first group of volunteers was sent to Ghana later that year. The program quickly expanded, with volunteers serving in a wide range of sectors including education, health, agriculture, business, and the environment.

The first group of Peace Corps volunteers arriving in Ghana.

The first group of Peace Corps volunteers arriving in Ghana.

Over the years, the Peace Corps has faced many challenges, including political and security issues in some countries. However, the organization has continued to operate and has adapted to changing circumstances, expanding into new regions and sectors. Today, the Peace Corps remains a respected institution and a symbol of American generosity and goodwill.

President Kennedy speaks with students on international civil service

Activities of the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps operates in a wide range of sectors, depending on the needs of the host country. Some of the most common areas of focus include:

Education: Peace Corps volunteers work in schools and other educational institutions to help improve the quality of education. They may teach English, math, science, or other subjects, or work with local teachers to develop teaching methods and materials. Volunteers may also help with teacher training and curriculum development.

Health: Volunteers in the health sector work with local health care providers to promote healthy practices and prevent the spread of disease. They may teach about nutrition, hygiene, and safe sex practices, or help with vaccination campaigns. Volunteers may also work on projects to improve access to clean water and sanitation.

Agriculture: Volunteers in the agriculture sector work with farmers and other community members to develop sustainable agricultural practices that improve crop yields and increase food security. They may also work on projects to improve access to markets and develop value-added products.

Mavuno Harvest founder Phil Hughes planting trees in Kenya

Mavuno Harvest founder Phil Hughes at a tree-planting in Kenya

Business: Volunteers in the business sector work with local entrepreneurs and business owners to develop new businesses and improve existing ones. They may provide training on marketing, finance, and other business skills, or help with the development of business plans and proposals. Volunteers may also work on projects to develop local tourism and other industries.

Environment: Volunteers in the environment sector work on projects to promote sustainable development and protect natural resources. They may work on projects to improve access to clean energy, promote recycling and waste reduction, or protect endangered species and ecosystems.

Peace Corps - The hardest job you'll ever love.

Impact of the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps has had a significant impact on the lives of both volunteers and the communities they serve. Volunteers gain valuable skills and experiences that they can use in their future careers, as well as a deeper understanding of other cultures and ways of life. They also make lasting connections with the people they work with, and often develop lifelong friendships.

The communities that Peace Corps volunteers serve also benefit greatly from their presence. Volunteers bring new ideas and skills that can help to improve the quality of life for community members. They also help to promote cross-cultural understanding and friendship, which can help to reduce tensions and promote peace between countries.

In addition to its impact on individual volunteers and communities, the Peace Corps has also had a broader impact on American foreign policy. By promoting goodwill and understanding, the Peace Corps helps to build positive relationships with other countries and promotes a positive image of the United States around the world.

Learn more about the Peace Corps

If you're interested in learning more about the Peace Corps, there are many resources available online. The official Peace Corps website is a great place to start, with information on the history of the organization, current programs, and how to apply.