Mangos hanging from a tree

From the start of or company in 2011, Mavuno Harvest has always only offered organic certified dried fruit and nuts.  But why?

When we first started sourcing from small scale farmers in Kenya (our first source), nearly ALL of the farmers were growing organically anyway (although not necessarily certified).  These were not industrial farms, properly cultivated and treated for maximum output.  These were family plots which had never even seen a chemical treatment.

Organic farming is a method of growing food that prioritizes the preservation of natural resources, biodiversity, and soil health. Unlike conventional farming, organic farmers use methods that are designed to work in harmony with nature, rather than against it.

One of the key principles of organic farming is the use of crop rotation. By rotating the crops that are grown in a particular field, organic farmers are able to maintain soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers. This not only benefits the environment, but also leads to healthier, more nutritious food for consumers.

Another important aspect of organic farming is the use of cover crops. These are crops that are planted between main crops in order to protect the soil and improve its health. Cover crops can help to prevent soil erosion, suppress weeds, and improve soil structure. They also provide a source of organic matter, which can be used to improve soil fertility.  Often pineapples and bananas are grown together as pineapples grow low to the ground, and bananas can provide useful shade to the pineapples.

Organic farmers also rely on natural pest and disease control methods. This includes the use of beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, to control pests. Organic farmers also use companion planting, which is the practice of planting different crops together in order to discourage pests and diseases.

In addition to these practices, organic farmers also avoid the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other technologies that can have negative impacts on the environment. Organic farming is also free of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, which are known to harm the environment and wildlife.

In terms of product, organic food is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can result in a product that is free of harmful chemicals, and is better for the environment. Organic food is also non-GMO, meaning that it has not been genetically modified in any way. This means that it is free of the risks associated with consuming genetically modified organisms. Organic food is also typically more nutritious, as it is grown in soil that is rich in nutrients and has been treated with natural fertilizers.

Organic farming also benefits the local economy. By buying organic food, consumers are supporting farmers who are committed to sustainable farming practices. This helps to keep small farms in business and ensures that the food supply is not controlled by a small number of large corporations.

When it comes to organic farming, it's not just about growing food; it's about creating a sustainable future. By choosing organic food, consumers are choosing to support a farming system that is better for the environment, better for the economy, and better for their health.

In conclusion, organic farming is an environmentally friendly method of growing food that prioritizes the preservation of natural resources, biodiversity, and soil health. It relies on crop rotation, cover crops, and natural pest and disease control methods to maintain soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic food is also non-GMO and typically more nutritious, it benefits the local economy and supports small farmers. Choosing organic food is choosing a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

The following links should provide a good starting point for learning about organic farming, but there are many other resources available as well.

  1. The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) website ( has a wealth of information about the benefits of organic farming, as well as research and resources for farmers who are interested in transitioning to organic methods.

  2. The Rodale Institute ( is a research and education organization that focuses on sustainable and organic agriculture. Their website has a wide range of resources, including information on organic farming practices, research studies, and farmer training programs.

  3. The USDA's National Organic Program ( provides information on the federal regulations for organic farming, as well as a directory of certified organic farms and businesses.

  4. The Organic Trade Association ( is a membership-based organization that represents the organic industry in North America. Their website includes information on organic farming practices, market trends, and advocacy efforts.

  5. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) ( is a global organization that promotes organic farming and sustainable agriculture. Their website has information on organic farming practices, standards, and certification.